The Book Club of Guernsey is a unique and beloved institution in the small British island of Guernsey. Founded in 1947, the club has become a meeting place for locals to discuss literature, share ideas and enjoy tea and cake. But the club is perhaps best known for its signature dish, the famous Potato Peel Pie.
The Book Club of Guernsey
The Book Club of Guernsey was founded in 1947 by a group of local book lovers. The club has since become a beloved institution on the island, meeting every Tuesday evening to discuss books, share ideas and enjoy tea and cake. The club is open to anyone who loves to read, regardless of age or background.
Members of the club come from all walks of life, from students to retirees, and the atmosphere is always warm and welcoming. The club is also well-known for its strong sense of community, with members often organising social events and outings in addition to their regular meetings.
The Famous Potato Peel Pie
The Book Club of Guernsey is perhaps best known for its signature dish, the famous Potato Peel Pie. This traditional Guernsey dish is made from potatoes, onions and a variety of herbs and spices, all wrapped in a pastry crust. It is a simple yet delicious dish that has been enjoyed by locals for generations.
The Potato Peel Pie is served at the Book Club of Guernsey’s meetings, and is a popular dish among members. The dish has recently become even more popular due to the success of the book and film adaptation of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
The Book Club of Guernsey is a beloved institution in the small British island of Guernsey. Not only is it a place for locals to come together and discuss literature, it’s also home to the famous Potato Peel Pie, a traditional Guernsey dish that has been enjoyed by locals for generations. Whether you’re a book lover or just looking for a delicious meal, the Book Club of Guernsey is the perfect place for you.
The Club of the Book and the Potato Peel Pie of Guernsey is a unique and creative club here in Guernsey, that blends two passions: books and traditional food. Established in 2020, this club is an inclusive and fun way to get together and share culture, literature and cuisine.
The Potato Peel Pie of Guernsey is a delicious local dish, and the perfect appetizer if you want to spark conversations, emotions and exchange ideas. Plus, everyone can contribute and make it even tastier!
The club meets once a month, in a cozy and informal atmosphere, invited to discuss books and recipes for the traditional Potato Peel Pie. Those interested can join the club through a simple online surfing, no membership required.
The Club of the Book and the Potato Peel Pie of Guernsey is the perfect way to carry on the culture and connect with like-mined individuals, discovering new ways of interpreting literature and creating delicious food. They host a series of events that have become extremely popular, and have even opened up to different areas of the arts, such as music and theatre.
We are honoured to be able to share with you all this exciting club and its amazing events, we wish you all a bright and delicious potato peel pie experience!